Behavior & Training

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How To Teach An Aggressive Dog To Socialize?
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Who does not enjoy a long walk with their dog? It is the best stress buster. But a long walk with your dog can also be a nightmare if your dog does not like other dogs. There will be other dogs on the road. Your dog needs to like other dogs like him, otherwise you will not be able to take him to dog parks.

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How To Understand The Secret Meaning Of Your Dog’s Body Language
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Dogs do not talk, but they use their body language activities to convey their needs. We all know a dog's "gotta go to potty "signs. But there are other signs. I am raising dogs for years, so I can read my dog’s body language very easily. However, as a first-time dog parent, you may have difficulties in understanding your dog’s body language. No worry, as today I am going to talk about the meaning of dog’s most common body language in this article.
How To Understand The Secret Meaning Of Your Dog’s Body Language
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Dogs do not talk, but they use their body language activities to convey their needs. We all know a dog's "gotta go to potty "signs. But there are other signs. I am raising dogs for years, so I can read my dog’s body language very easily. However, as a first-time dog parent, you may have difficulties in understanding your dog’s body language. No worry, as today I am going to talk about the meaning of dog’s most common body language in this article.
Easy Ways To Train Your Dog How To Swim
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Swimming is the best way to relax but swimming with your dog is the best possible activity ever. Swimming burns thousand of calories, it is also good for mind. Imagine taking a swim with your dog at the end of a tiring office day.

I swim with my dogs. But I needed to teach them swimming. Not teach swimming, as dogs like other animals know how to swim from birth. But dogs do not like water. So I had to encourage my dog to come near the pool.Here is how I did it.

Reason Why Your Dog Is Barking So Much And How Can You Fix This Problem?
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I have a friend who once spent sleepless nights due to a peculiar reason; she did not have any stress in her life. But her dog was barking all night. She and her family did not know what was wrong with their dog. They finally took him to a vet and after couple of days, their problem was solved. But this problem can also occur to you. Here are my simple tips to manage dog’s excessive barking problem.
5 Basic Every Day Commands Your Dog Needs To Know And How Can You Teach Them These Commands?
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You have selected a pretty name for your dog, but does your dog know it is his/her name? Sorry, if he/she does not then it is your fault. You need to teach your dog some basic commands for everyday life.

These basic commands will transform your new puppy/dog to a house trained dog. Your dog needs to know these commands. Remember a well trained dog can save your life, or even catch a thief who wants to enter your house, so let’s get started.

The Importance Of Getting Proper Dog Training Collar
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Fun times start when you bring your puppy home for the first time. It is possible you may have finished shopping for things your new puppy needs. I hope you got an appropriate training collar. I am sorry, but I noticed some new dog owners do not think an appropriate collar is very important.

Today I am going to talk about appropriate training collars. I am going to be your agony aunt as I am going to recommend some appropriate training collar for you. Read my suggestions please, you can thank me later.

An appropriate collar will make house training your puppy a much easier job.

What Will You Do When Your Dog Doesn't Listen To Your Command?
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Is it possible to train Your Dog to Come Back to You When You Call Come? Yes. But it will never be an easy task, you can be an experienced dog trainer or a first time dog parent, many times your dog will not listen to your command. In simpler terms he will disobey you. Here are my tips to deal with a disobedient dog.

Tips To House Train Your Puppy, Yes You Can Teach Him To Toilet For Pee And Poop
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You need to have positive attitude and tons of patience for potty training your doggy. Let me tell you, sweethearts, your doggy will not learn to use toilets in one day, even in one week. But that does not mean trying to potty train your dog is a lost cause. It will happen, but it will take some time.

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