Dog Grooming

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How to Brush Your Dog's Teeth?
by Our Author
If your dog is anything like my dog, then be prepared to have a tough time every time you try to brush his teeth. But you have to do it anyway.
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How to Bath a Dog
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Dogs are prone to infection. As a pet owner, you need to keep an eye on your dog’s hygiene. A clean dog will not fall sick often because of infectious disease. Regular bath will keep the dog clean. But you need to know the right way of bathing your dog. Here are some tips for an effective dog bath.

Dog Anal Gland Care
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Dogs are exactly like your family members. You need to take care of your dog’s health like you do for a family member. You need to be with your dog in sickness and in health. This means you need to take care of dog’s anal gland problem. Every dog faces anal gland problem at least once in their life cycle.
How to Bath a Dog
by Our Author

Dogs are prone to infection. As a pet owner, you need to keep an eye on your dog’s hygiene. A clean dog will not fall sick often because of infectious disease. Regular bath will keep the dog clean. But you need to know the right way of bathing your dog. Here are some tips for an effective dog bath.

How to Comb and Trim Dog's Hair?
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Do you really need a dog groomer? I say no, you can trim and comb your dog’s hair all by yourself. However, you need to be very careful when you are trimming your dog’s hair. You need right tools for the grooming job.
Clipping Dog's Nails: Step By step guide
by Our Author
I will be honest with you, me and my dog both used to fear nail clipping sessions in the beginning. However, my dog’s vet told me I need to cut his nails regularly. So I had to do it anyway. You need to be tough like me.
Cleaning up Dog Smells, Guide For New Pet Owners
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Dear new pet owners, get ready hear phrases like “You smell like a dog” or “your house smells like a dog”, do not feel bad, this is a common problem for new pet owners. You will get used to it. Anyway, you still need to learn how to clean up dog smell from the house.No worry, it is an easy process. But before I get to cleaning part, let us first talk about why dogs’ smell in not good. There are many reasons behind your dog’s bad smell; here are few of them,
Easy Ways To Clean Your Dog’s Eyes and reason behind cleaning your dog’s eyes
by Our Author

First time puppy owners, please do read this article with attention, because today I am going to talk about a serious issue and I bet not many people told you about this issue. I am talk about how to clean your dog’s eyes.

The main reason behind cleaning your dog’s eyes is to keep it clean. Dogs’ eyes are delicate. So you need to be careful when you are cleaning your dog’s eyes.

I am going to tell you the rights steps for cleaning your dog’s eyes.

Remove Dog's Tear Stain
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Tear stain under dog’s eyes look bad, however you need to know that it is absolutely normal. More or less every dog suffers from tear stain problem. Tear stain on dog is not a disease, rather sign of a disease. This is why you cannot take your dog’s tear stain lightly.
How to Brush Your Dog's Teeth?
by Our Author
If your dog is anything like my dog, then be prepared to have a tough time every time you try to brush his teeth. But you have to do it anyway.
How to Bath a Dog
by Our Author

Dogs are prone to infection. As a pet owner, you need to keep an eye on your dog’s hygiene. A clean dog will not fall sick often because of infectious disease. Regular bath will keep the dog clean. But you need to know the right way of bathing your dog. Here are some tips for an effective dog bath.

How to Clean Your Dog's Ears?
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Every dog will develop some kind of ear infection at least once in their lifetime. In most cases, an ear infection is non-life -threatening. But that does not mean owners can neglect dog’s ear infection. We will tell you all about dog’s ear infection today.
Dog Anal Gland Care
by Our Author
Dogs are exactly like your family members. You need to take care of your dog’s health like you do for a family member. You need to be with your dog in sickness and in health. This means you need to take care of dog’s anal gland problem. Every dog faces anal gland problem at least once in their life cycle.
Clipping Dog's Nails: Step By step guide
by Our Author
I will be honest with you, me and my dog both used to fear nail clipping sessions in the beginning. However, my dog’s vet told me I need to cut his nails regularly. So I had to do it anyway. You need to be tough like me.
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